Dark Ambient Memoirs of Lord Halloween

Memoirs of Lord Halloween

Dark Poetry & Music

Authors: Patrick & Fernand Bernauw Length: 26 minutes

When a Hip-Hop Poet Meets a Black Widow...

Desiree D. was found in a derelict building nearby the Devil's Castle in the old city of Ghent (Flanders, Belgium) together with the decapitated body of the dark & doomed "hip-hop" poet, also known as Lord Halloween. Miss D. handed over to the police a map, titled Memoirs of Lord Halloween and containing various poems. Miss D. said the motive for the ritual murder was to be found in the Memoirs. She resides now in a closed psychiatric facility. The head of Lord Halloween is still missing.

Monologue and soundtracks may be used in its entirety, in adaptation or in any other way for theatrical productions, only with permission from Patrick & Fernand Bernauw (info@inter-actief.be). Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that this play is subject to a royalty fee (11% on the total revenues). "Memoirs of Lord Halloween" is fully protected under the copyright laws of all countries covered by the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Work. All rights, including professional/amateur stage rights, motion, picture, recitation, lecturing, public reading and all other forms of mechanical or electronic reproduction, and the rights of translation into foreign languages, are strictly reserved.

Full Monologue & Soundtrack:  http://www.xinxii.com/en/memoirs-of-lord-halloween-p-338910.html

Preview: http://thelostdutchman.hubpages.com/video/Lord-Halloweens-HipHop
Full monologue: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/250015
Free Download: http://soundcloud.com/scriptomanen/memoirs-of-lord-halloween Memoirs of Lord Halloween


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