Haunted Littlecote Hall | Socyberty

In one of Wiltshire’s most stately houses, that of Littlecote, a wicked man has left his ghostly marks in the old rooms. In the corridors and staircases you can still hear silent whispers of a secret murder. For more than two centuries Littlecote Hall, near Hungerford, was owned by the Darell family… who beghosted the house and the entire neighbourhood… 

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In the 20th century the Wills family was living in Littlecote. It was Major George Wills who told the tale of how his dog began to bark in the middle of the night, awaking the whole household. The animal stood in front of the bedroom door, its hair standing on end, quivering in terror – while the Major saw this woman pass by, wringing her hands, appearing to be looking for someone.

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Haunted Littlecote Hall | Socyberty


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